Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Outside Pets

Just because it’s warm outside doesn't mean your pet wants to be outdoors all day, especially during the afternoon, which is the hottest part of the day. They’re susceptible to heat and sunstroke too. Somerset Veterinary Group wants to remind you that when your pet spends the afternoon outside, they should be able to drink plenty of cool, fresh water and have a shady place to relax. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bark in the Park: Summer Dates

Bring your dog out to the Somerset Patriots ballpark for fun with the whole family at 'Bark in the Park'. There will be a pre-game Pooch Parade beginning at 6:30 pm. The dates are Monday June 25th, Tuesday July 24th, Monday August 27th and Tuesday September 18th. Here is a picture of Dr. North throwing out the first pitch.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Heartworm & Pets

Warm weather means the return of mosquitoes and the heartworm disease that they carry. Because a single bite from a mosquito could transmit the deadly heartworm parasite to your pet, it’s important that your pet stay on a heartworm preventative at all times. We can’t prevent the mosquitoes from biting, but we can prevent their harmful effects. We would love to discuss heartworm prevention for your pet!