Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We all know that when winter arrives, and the heat goes on in the house, we start to notice that our skin dries out.  We naturally apply hand and body creams and use up tubes of chapped lip medication.  It should be no surprise then, that these conditions also affect your pet.  Dry skin leads to flaking and itching, more dander, and a poorer hair coat.  There are some things that you can do to make your pet more comfortable during these chilly months.

·        Bathe your dog with regular shampoo as infrequently as possible to prevent drying.  Don’t bathe your cat unless there is a specific need.  Avoid using shampoos with perfumes or strong odors.

·        Ask your veterinarian for shampoos that will aid in moisturizing and caring for you pet’s particular skin problem.

·        Gently brush your pet frequently, ask your veterinarian for a recommendation for your pet’s particular coat and skin. 

·        Use a good quality pet food.  These nutrients are what will make or break a great hair coat.

·        Don’t use creams or lotions on your pet’s coat; they will just mat down the hair and cause problems.

Fireplaces and wood burning stoves dry out the air even more.  A humidifier is a great way to keep you and your buddies more comfortable.   Drinking lots of water works for your pets as well as you.  Also, check areas like your pet’s ears and belly frequently.  Dry skin often makes the ears itchy and can lead to problems and/or infections.

Provided by:
Somerset Veterinary Group

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